A snake is an attractive design to add to your paint catalogue. It is a quick design and the children can choose their colour.
The 'How To Tutorial' shows the steps to creating the perfect snake design. With more practise you will find you own technique and you may want to explore with other colours.
Below are the links, where you can purchase the paints and products used in the video.
As featured in the video, the products and paints used to complete this look are:
Step one:
Using the TAG Green Split cake and a Flat Brush, using a sweeping stroke technique paint the head and body of the snake.
Step two:
Use a round brush to create the Diamond FX yellow highlight on the body of the snake. Then re-use the flat brush to blend in the green and yellow.
Step three:
You need a steady hand now! Confidently, paint the outline of the snake using Diamond FX Black paint and a Script Liner Brush. Once you are happy with your outline, it is time to do the snake stripes! Have fun being creative ✮✮✮
Step four:
Looking to make you design stand out? Always always, add your highlights using Diamond FX White paint. I personally use a nail art brush, this creates a thin enough line that I am happy with.
Step five:
In this step you will be painting with my fave colour, Pink! Using Superstar Pink paint and the Script Liner Brush draw the snake's tongue.
Step six:
Now for the fun bit! But first, preparation is required. Using the Moon Spirit Gum feel free to dab the glue brush to wherever you would like to apply the glitter.
Step seven:
There are a variety of glitters on the market, you can go crazy with the many options that are available. My lovely painter Marissa, introduced me to biodegradable glitter that you can apply using a brush, similar to liquid. Now to apply your glitter. Woop - go Crazy! ✮✮✮
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